Well, every woman may not phrase is so
Without a doubt, one of the best ways to quell the ups and downs of this whole process is to get out of your own head and take a vacation. I used to be that girl that sat in front of my computer, my cursor poised over the "book this vacation!" button for a solid 45 minutes. But I could never pull the trigger. Inevitably, the minute I decided to go ahead and book the cruise/all inclusive/beach getaway, my mind would get in the way. I would imagine scenarios like:
- Just watch. The minute I book this trip to San Francisco, I'm going to find out I'm pregnant, and we need that money for the medical bills! I'd better wait.
- I could book this cruise in February. But if we get pregnant next month that means I'll be.....(*does math badly*)....5 months along when we're cruising. I don't want to cruise if I can't have wine and sushi! That's the whole point of a cruise. I'd better wait.
- I'm pretty sure next month is going to be the month this all works out and I finally get knocked up. I don't know that I should be para-sailing/bicycling/swimming with dolphins/having amazing vacation sex/eating like a pig when I could be 7 weeks pregnant. I need to lay down and be still if I finally get pregnant. I'd better wait.
Almost a year ago to the day, I was debating whether to book a May vacation to Cancun with Hubs. At the same time, my mother in law was wanting to book a November vacation for our entire family in Mexico, and I was dragging my feet on that offer as well. Why? I was convinced I was going to be pregnant for not one, but both of those trips.
Guess what? I'm still not pregnant. I went on both vacations, sans pregnancy. And I had a wonderful time. And even if I had been pregnant, they still would have been amazing trips to go on. Sometimes I just live in my head way too much.
Incidentally, the timing works out well. I begin the stims for my first IVF cycle on Thanksgiving (*squeal*). The best part is, I'm starting this cycle rested and relaxed as a result of that family vacation to Cancun that I mentioned a moment ago. Had I decided not to book the trips, I would have regretted it hard core.
Infertility is fecking hard and you need a break. I know you're spending every hard earned dollar you make trying to afford the next cycle or cutting edge medicine, but baby doll you have to remember to take care of you. Drink the champagne. Eat the chocolate. Have a Dr. Pepper. It's all okay. Giving yourself some time to forget everything is vital to success and sanity.
And if you can't afford a trip to Cancun or an all inclusive, romantic getaway, don't sweat it. Grab a cheap Groupon to a 3-star hotel nearby and have a weekend away from home. Don't even look at your doctor bills or IVF calendar or message boards. I even give you permission to stay away from this blog (but not for too long).
So go...take care of you. And come back ready to do some baby makin'.
If you are interested in a fantabulous Mexican all-inclusive getaway, you have GOT to go to Live Aqua. Especially if you're a modern aesthetic snob like me and Hubs. No cheesy sombreros at dinner or screaming children with snot running down their nose begging for ice cream (you have plenty of time for that soon enough). Just brightly lit, clean lines, excellent service and a gorge ocean. This place was seriously DA BOMB. We booked our trip through Cheap Caribbean. And no, not a living soul is paying me to say this. It was just that great of an experience for us, and I'd love for you to have it, too.

I mean...I want to live here.

Perfect view of the perfect beach.
Til next time, my friends.